#3 Collocation

enjoy  (v.)
to get pleasure from something
enjoy (v.) + freedom (n.)
→ I am enjoying the freedom of not having a boss.

earn  (v.)
to receive a particular amount of money for the work that you do
money (n.) + earn (v.)
→ The money earned pays for all of that stuff.

reason  (n.)
why something happens, or why someone does something
good (adj.) + reason (n.)
 Never cut down trees without good reason .

help  (v.)
to make it possible or easier for someone to do something by doing part of their work or by giving them something they need
god (n.) + help (v.)
 God help us for the next four years.

important  (adj.)
an important event, decision, problem etc has a bigeffect or influence on people’s lives or on events in the future
important (adj.) + question(n.)
 The only important question was never asked.


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