#4 Collocation
leak (v.)
to give secret information to the public, for example by telling a newspaper
leak (v.) + information(n.)
→ You leak information to the press.
breach (n.)
an action that breaks a law, rule, or agreement
breach (n.) + contract(v.)
→ Workers who have lost their jobs plan to sue the company for breach of contract.
gather (v.)
to come together and form a group, or to make people do this
gather (v.) + together (adv.)
→ They gather together with her and around her.
consent (n.)
recorded in writing
written (adj.) + consent (n.)
→ All subjects gave informed written consent before the study.
existing or happening first, before other people or things
original (adj.) + song(n.)
→ They prefer to release an original song.
→ They prefer to release an original song.
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